Regulatory Filing Support

As demands on the power industry escalate and attention on the industry increases, the need for transparent, rigorous and well-documented reporting is critical. Intervenors have gotten more sophisticated over the years, and utilities need to up their game to keep pace with challenges to their filings. Every filing requires an unparalleled level of detail and thorough understanding of the regulatory process so that it is accurate and meets the needs of the regulatory agencies. With decades of experience working with commissions and regulatory agencies, 1898 & Co. knows how to help you complete successful filings and provide the level of detail necessary to support them.


At 1898 & Co., we support you throughout the regulatory process to achieve successful regulatory filings. We provide results-driven analysis based on our significant experience in delivering clear, compelling filings. We help you with:

  • Integrated resource plans that are informed by our understanding of different market structures and designs, with data translated into decision-making information to drive results.
  • Rate studies specific to your market issues, customer behavior, regulatory pressures and public perception.
  • Decommissioning cost studies that regulatory authorities can understand and get behind, as we know that you need more than just estimates — you need defendable results.
  • Remaining useful life calculations that are reasonable and paired with budgets for defendable long-term plans, driving cost recovery through depreciation.
  • Investment planning built using robust risk-based models to provide defendable plans that deliver improved efficiency and reliability amid times of increased scrutiny.
  • Asset valuation, using market intelligence to produce income approach valuations along with replacement costs from our engineering team.


Our consultants understand the entire industry landscape, including its assets and regulatory drivers. Building upon this foundation, we:

  • Use industry-leading software to provide data-driven analysis.
  • Leverage our proprietary advanced analytics to equip clients with decisions that stand up to commission review.
  • Know the rigor involved in regulatory filings and support clients throughout the process.
  • Tap into a team of peers for additional perspectives and insights.
  • Understand the importance of detailed analytics to support each filing.