
Water is foundational to the health and well-being of a community. This includes access to safe drinking water for consumption and hygiene, adequate water supplies for fighting fires, the effective treatment of wastewater for a cleaner environment, and the proactive management of stormwater to reduce flooding impacts.

At 1898 & Co., we focus on helping communities manage water, wastewater and stormwater needs efficiently and effectively by aligning use of technology with the business needs of the water industry.

We’re part of an organization that has been designing and building water systems for over 100 years, so we understand the regulatory requirements and technical challenges in managing and improving such critical infrastructure. Our business-driven approach to delivering technology solutions and capabilities that span the breadth of your organization will make the most of limited resources. This can include better preparing your workforce for future changes; streamlining your compliance-focused activities; improving overall organizational resiliency; optimizing decision intelligence across departments and workflows; and modernizing your approach to managing your water networks. We accomplish this by applying our industry-leading capabilities in enterprise systems, geospatial applications, business intelligence and analytics, digital project management office (PMO) rollouts, custom software development, industrial cybersecurity, water utility finance, and management consulting.

And that’s not all. We support your requirements for lead service line inventories using data governance strategies, mobile workforce planning, and spatial analysis and mapping. We build resilience into your operation through enterprise system integrations, cybersecurity planning and long-term financing strategies.

We put the resources of 1898 & Co. to work for you, applying the right mix of capabilities to address and solve your organization’s most pressing challenges.

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Our Services

Analytics & Business Intelligence

We deliver data analytics and business intelligence that is useful, intuitive and actionable, within the context of your industry.

Architecture & Infrastructure

We break down data silos, address data quality challenges and organize via architecture and infrastructure focused on accessibility for analytics and visualization.

Enterprise Asset Management

We implement best practices to deliver comprehensive, effective solutions for enterprise asset management to improve operations, decision-making and more.

Enterprise Technology

Optimize your digital investments that support capital project delivery and operational platforms, such as geospatial and asset management systems.

Financing & Forecasting

We factor in a multitude of financial analyses and studies to build the fiscal base for forecasts that satisfies internal, external and public expectations.


We reveal keen insights by analyzing geospatial data and enabling access, visualization and understanding based on experience and innovative technologies.

People, Culture & Change

We help you establish a strong foundation based on the strengths of your people, your culture and the idea that change is a critical determinant of success.

Process & Performance Management

Our technical specialists guide owner/operators of critical infrastructure assets in evolving operations to enhance performance, optimize processes and commit to continuous improvement.

Project & Portfolio Management Systems

We provide in-depth, multidecade program management, project controls, engineering, design and construction business experience to manage capital projects.

Rate Design

Our consultants have led electric, water, wastewater and solid waste utilities through public and regulatory processes associated with rate design.