Investment Plan Development

When asset owners need an investment portfolio plan developed, they want a solution that produces actionable investments to drive organizational value and is rooted in data and analytics, with results that support business justification and prudence to internal and external stakeholders. We understand the issues facing your infrastructure, the data streams associated with them and the resource burden to develop an actionable and justified investment plan, which is why we’ve developed automated project identification solutions with business justification.


Our evaluations focus on your specific industry and organizational challenges. Across assets, projects and systems, our tailored solutions provide the needed business justification and perspective to support decisions at all levels: planning and engineering, budgeting, C-suite, board, and commission/regulatory. We incorporate your data into our analytics to identify investment plans that maximize organizational benefit while meeting budget and execution constraints. We help:

  • Improve staff efficiency by using our approach, which is easily scalable, completely actionable and allows you to have a plan within five months.
  • Decrease life cycle reactive cost and customer outages.
  • Improve stakeholder outcomes, from regulatory bodies to system planners and engineers.


We have developed data- and algorithmic-based solutions for the key issues facing infrastructure owners: aging infrastructure, reliability and resilience, and evolving customers. Our proven solutions organize, cleanse and integrate your data streams, and evaluate the universe of potential projects to identify your long-term investment plan. Our approach includes:

  • Scalable project evaluation, which automates project identification by strategically organizing assets into projects in alignment with your rebuild approach.
  • Financial justification, which calculates the life cycle risk-weighted net present value benefit for each project, incorporating avoided reactive costs and avoided customer impacts.
  • Portfolio optimization, which schedules projects to maximize benefits while meeting budget and execution constraints, as well as identifies the point of diminishing returns.