Service Feature

Forecasting Power Market Trends: Making Data-Backed Decisions

Significant uncertainty in wholesale power markets makes it challenging to navigate risks associated with large capital project developments and energy market strategies. The Wholesale Power Markets Reference Case represents a holistic, long-term look forward for all major U.S. wholesale power and ancillary service markets.

Forward-Thinking Planning

The Wholesale Power Markets Reference Case provides in-depth forecasts of market prices and operations. These insights support data-driven decision making around generation resource planning, capital additions and long-term economic strategies, regulatory strategies, emissions, and asset and contract valuations.

This service is intended for:

  • Electric utilities
  • Thermal, renewable and storage project developers
  • Independent power producers
  • Data center developers
  • State regulatory agencies
  • Other industry leaders in the power markets

Market data is reported at the hourly level at the node, balancing authority, hub, independent system operator (ISO) zone or North American Electric Reliability Corporation subregion levels, providing enhanced confidence for key decision-makers.

Finding Data-Driven Insights

The Wholesale Power Market Reference Case uses EnCompass, an industry-leading energy market simulation model that relies on chronological dispatch and capacity expansion to create a comprehensive security constrained economic dispatch (SCED) forecast. The thorough modeling process relies on independently vetted sets of inputs for fuel prices, emissions costs and electricity demand.

Identifying data-driven insights can be beneficial in a wide array of areas including economic transmission planning, integrated resource planning, resource adequacy, market advisory and asset valuation, and other planning needs. Along with using our Wholesale Power Markets Reference Case, variability and risk can be captured by modeling sensitivities, scenarios and stochastics.

What You Receive

With the Wholesale Power Market Reference Case, you’ll get the full set of Reference Case input assumptions and results, any asset-specific financial and operational forecast results requested, and a written market report describing the state of the market, the methodology of the study and the results. Available model outputs and reports include but are not limited to:

  • Input assumptions including fuel prices, emissions prices, and supply/demand balance
  • Generation capacity expansion plan results
  • 25-year ISO bus/hub/zonal locational marginal pricing (LMP) forecasts
  • Asset capacity value or effective load carrying capability (ELCC) forecasts
  • Capacity/resource adequacy price forecasts
  • Ancillary services price forecasts
  • Renewable energy certificate (REC) price forecasts
  • Asset-specific forecasts:
    • Thermal asset generation, revenue and variable costs
    • Renewable asset congestion and curtailment
    • Storage asset dispatch co-optimized across energy and ancillary services markets
  • Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) forecasts

Having an experienced team on your side to navigate the power markets helps simplify the complex and informs strategic decisions. In addition to the forecast data and reports, having critical support and advice from knowledgeable 1898 & Co. consultants and analysts is invaluable.

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Peter David

Senior Project Manager