Product Feature

AssetLens Food and Consumer Products Industry Usage: Informing More-Effective Strategic Decisions

Millions of dollars of strategic capital investment decisions are evaluated by your organization every year. A turnkey, purpose-built software solution gives you the insights needed to make those decisions efficiently and accurately. Your stakeholders require fast, effective choices that meet today’s evolving requirements. AssetLens delivers the results you need.

The success of your business is based on many different factors, and your strategic capital investment plan must take these factors into account for you to be successful. AssetLens enables you to apply your key business factors to the development of actionable plans. It collects and cleanses data about the condition of a company’s critical assets, applies proprietary algorithms, and automates an investment plan of capital projects with business justification. This allows the company to make proactive, data-driven decisions that provide maximum value.

Benefits That Deliver

Gain more value from yearly capital spend: Quantitative analytics based on true asset/site conditions, coupled with your current business needs, help realign up to 20% of your capital spend to where you need it most.

Improve capital planning efficiency: Centralized software provides a standardized process by which all capital planning stakeholders can interact and collaborate during the capital planning process.

Mitigate major asset failures: Avoiding major asset failures caused by capital investment misalignment results in avoided costs ranging from thousands up to millions of dollars.

Maintain continuous improvement: Software that provides lines of sight — from true business needs to where investments are made — lets you continually refine and improve capital investment strategies and plans.

Chris Underwood, 1898 & Co.
Bryan Claxton
Senior Product Manager

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