Arlin Mire

Senior Project Manager | Utility Investment Planning

About Arlin

Arlin specializes in developing and justifying project portfolios and business cases for large programs. Working with a wide range of utilities, Arlin’s team leads clients through the journey required to create a dependable portfolio of actionable projects using innovative analytics.  These analytics enable detailed scenario planning to help clients effectively invest billions of dollars across their systems to target organizational objectives that are customer- and company-focused.

Arlin attended Baker University, where he studied business administration and management, and then went on to earn his MBA at St. Edward’s University. He brings over 15 years of experience with capital planning development, portfolio prioritization and optimization, asset management analysis, business case evaluation, risk-based planning and analysis, financial modeling, decision analysis and stochastic modeling. Arlin has worked with clients across the country to help them improve reliability and resilience.

How Arlin helps his clients
Arlin brings advanced analytical capabilities to his client projects, seeing that long-term capital plans are designed to provide the greatest return on investment. Working closely with his clients to understand their most pressing challenges, he can quantify the improvements to the client’s system and develop a plan that is actionable and optimized for their specific needs. Arlin supports clients from planning through regulatory and commission approvals using detailed analysis to support justification of plans and investment levels.

What motivates Arlin
With increasing coverage of the utility industry, Arlin is constantly reminded of how critical the services that his clients provide are for the community and for the people in those communities that depend on their services every day. Processing mountains of client data to develop project-ready plans for his clients is an exciting challenge that keeps Arlin motivated.

A little bit about Arlin
When the weather allows, Arlin gets out on the field to play in a local softball league with a group of friends. Currently living in Kansas City but a son of Louisiana, Arlin loves Cajun food and will always make a stop for fried shrimp and catfish whenever he travels back home.


Infrastructure Modernization

Capital Asset Planning

Strategic Asset Management

Project Planning & Development

Published Work

Rightsizing Your Risk: Understanding Stakeholder Exposure - White Paper